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 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7




Palo Alto First Christian Church seeks to share the love, peace, and hope from a fulfilled life of faith in Jesus Christ, bringing Holy Spirit-inspired solutions that change the world.


To carry out this vision we cheerfully use time, talents, and treasures given by our church body and community. We are blessed with a church campus, hard-working staff and volunteers, and the ability to bless local and global efforts through our outreach programs.

Giving at PAFCC


or cash

Checks or cash can be given at any service, personally dropped off, or mailed to the church office.


Please make checks to:

First Christian Church

2890 Middlefield Road

Palo Alto, CA 94306

One-time and recurring online donations can be made here.


Donors also have the ability to create a giving profile, donate to specific funds, and include an additional amount to cover credit card and processing fees.


Text donation amounts are also accepted and an easy way for a donor to give.


Text any dollar amount to 84321 and you will be self-guided with instructions on how to give.


& other

For all donations of stocks, bonds, securities, vehicles, and other non-cash contributions, please contact:


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